About Me

My name is Pantelis Petrou, I am from Cyprus and currently I am working as software developer. As a software developer, you possess a unique blend of technical expertise, problem-solving skills, and a passion for building innovative solutions. With a strong foundation in programming languages and software development frameworks, you excel in writing clean, efficient, and scalable code. Your analytical mindset allows you to break down complex problems into manageable components and devise logical solutions. Your dedication to continuous learning keeps you up-to-date with the latest industry trends and advancements. Your attention to detail ensures that your software is robust, reliable, and meets the highest quality standards. Moreover, your ability to work collaboratively and communicate effectively allows you to thrive in team environments, enabling you to contribute to the success of software projects. With your commitment to excellence and a drive for innovation, you continuously strive to improve and deliver software solutions that make a positive impact in the digital world.

  • UI/UX

    Designing Web/App interfaces

  • Web Development

    Web app Development

  • App Development

    Building Applications with Java

    Building Games with JavaScript

  • June 2019 - August 2019

    Position: Web Developer Inter at Dynamic Work

    Task: Designing interphase of website UI /UX, developing, creating and testing CRM

  • June 2020 - Sept 2020

    Position: SEO specialist Inter at ApoPou

    Task: Increasing web traffic, visibility and validation of a website. Improving Web Application search ranking (Search Engine Optimization - SEO)

  • July 2021 - Until Today

    Position: Software Developer at Amdocs

    Task: Handling code issues, Checking Logs, Adding new features (related on customer needs), Application Testing, Executing Server Scripts (Programming Language: Java, SQL)

  • Cyprus University of Technology

    Bachelor degree in Communication and Internet Studies

    September 2017 - June 2021

    Average score: 7,78/10

  • Udemy

    - Java Masterclass online course
    - The Web Developer Bootcamp 2024


Gaming App

The game created with JavaScript and designed by HTML/CSS. Use "Space" to play. Click to play.


This app is an calculator created with JavaScript and designed by HTM/CSS. Click to use it.

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